Sunday, March 13, 2011


This morning's message was about love. Your faithful scribe will share notes about the service shortly in the next blog entry. But first, I wanted to share this song which I heard many years ago, sung by the Longenecker family at a missions conference in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania. The Longeneckers were home on furlough from service in Yemen.

Love Is Oneness

Love is oneness, oh how sweet
to obey this law;
The unlovely we may meet
need our love the more.
Make us one, oh Love, we plead
with men's sorrow and their need.

We are one in needing love
let us true love show;
Only Love's Son from above
makes our spirits grow.
Love us, this is our heart's need,
Let us love and live indeed.

We are also one in this
we must love or die;
Loving others is true bliss
self-love is a lie.
Love of self is inward strife,
love turned outward is true life.

Let us love and fruitful be
love is God's own breath.
Love will kindle love and see
new life born from death.
Nowhere is a heaven more sweet
than where loving spirits meet.

Feb 1976

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