Sunday, November 17, 2013

Seven Promises to Renew Your Joy

Despite the gloomy grey weather, things inside the sanctuary were lively and invigorating thanks to Chuck and Darlene who assembled a band of musicians to lead us in a service of music and singing. The theme for the service was Seven Promises To Renew Your Joy.

Announcements included the following:
1) Chef Leonard will again offer up a Thanksgiving Dinner, for all who have a desire to be with friends from our church family and those who have no where else to go. RSVP by signing up in the back of the sanctuary.
2) Tuesday women's Bible study is at 10:00 a.m.
3) Operation Christmas Child boxes will be packed Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m.
4) Saturday Nov. 30 there will be a brunch at the church for those who want to help decorate for the Christmas season.
5) Paula shared that 9 blankets were made Saturday for the Women's Shelter, picture above.

The service unfolded like this. A promise from Scripture was declared, followed by a Scripture reading from various members of the congregation followed by a suitable song or hymn. The readings and hymns went as follows.

Though this list of readings and the songs we sake may seem dry as you read it here, the energy of the service was quite uplifting. Be sure to take time to review the passages shared and imagine the sound of a full congregation accompanied by guitars, mandolin, drums, keyboards and harmonica.

#1 Be lead by the Spirit. II Corinthians 3:17-18
Spirit Song

#2 Be free in Christ. Psalm 119:41-48
Power in the Blood

#3 Be uncomplicated. John 10:7-10
Just As I Am

#4 Be confident in God.
In Christ Alone

#5 Be quick to forgive.
How Great Is Our God

#6 Be outrageously blessed.
Blessed Assurance

#7 Be content.
What A Friend (We Have In Jesus)

Be blessed and and a blessing.

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