Sunday, January 8, 2017

The Backwards Brain

Chuck welcomed us by asking who had the coldest thermometer reading this morning. He had a 24 below, but someone else shared that they had 25 below. Brrr

Covenant World Relief Soup Can Colleciton, Jan 22 & 29
Prayer Team: Call Pearl Harmon or Nancy Peyton
Looking for drama queens... to participate in short skits. See Cheryl Borndal
Ladies Bible Study, 10-Noon Tuesdays
New Members Class will be held in January...
Paula invited everyone to come Friday for a Craft Fun Day here at the church. Paula will teach paintinng classes ($15 includes supplies) Friday January 20.
January 22 is Candidate Sunday...

Terry and the worship team opened with a song followed by a second during the offering. Sue Jessico gave a children's talk this morning. "What are some of the ways you, your family and others do to help other people?" One child shared, "Giving money." Another said, "We give Bibles." Other things mentioned included giving food and clothing and shoes. In Matthew 25: 25 & 26 Jesus said in the parable of the sheep and goats, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."

The Backwards Brain

Pastor Terry thanked us for the gifts and cards we gave over Christmas. He then read Isaiah 55.

In verse 11 God says His word, when it goes, will accomplish God's purpose.

Terry began the year last week encouraging us to get into God's word and read a Psalm each day. Today is the 8th so he read Psalm 8 for us next. "What is man that Thou art mindful of him?... Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name!"

God is good and it is a great day to be alive.

Sometimes, however, sometimes life is like Psalm 38.

We were then shows a YouTube video about the Backwards Brain. It was an object lesson on how hard it is to change our thinking. He was given a bike that had been re-engineered to go the opposite direction of where you intend to point it.

The video shows the problems of cognitive bias. Our brains become rigid in how they perceive and behave.

Rigid ways of thinking need to be changed, but it is not easy. This is why we need to wash our brains with Scripture. By being washed over with the truth day after day we are being changed.

We all look at the world with a bias, the one we've developed within and the Biblical world view.

Terry ended by inviting us to ride the bike of faith that is at odds with the world as it is.

So we entered into a time of communion as he asked us, "What is the backwards brain moment in your life? In what area is God wanting to change you?"

We closed the service with Communion and a time of worship.

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