Sunday, July 9, 2017

He Knows My Needs

Upcoming Events
--Women's Bible Study will be starting up again in September. A sign up sheet is in the back of the sanctuary.
--There will be a baby shower after church next Sunday, July 16, for Braelynn, daughter of Levi Landsverk.
--Pastor Terry is moving to his new home this month and could use help moving his Bonsai trees next Saturday. To help moving other things ask Terry for recommendation on best ways to help.

Children's Sermon
Susan Jessico invited the little ones up to the front and began by sharing a blueprints of our church building to show and share how important plans are. The key takeaway was how God has a blueprint for our lives, and that is what the Bible is. The children took turns sharing verse that address the various features of God's blueprint... to pray, to hide God's Word in our hearts and to trust God.

We set aside time for the baptism of Lydia Glesner, daughter of Tom and Mary Glesner. Terry shared a few insights on how there are different views on baptism in different denominations. Most believe one view or another when it comes to baptism of infants or baptism of new believers. The Covenant Church holds a both/and position as opposed to either/or.

The Glesners came forward along with godparents and Pastor Terry blessed and prayed for Lydia and baptized her in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The family then came forward and all were prayed for.

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The ushers came forward and took the offering as the congregation sang "'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus" followed by a time of prayer before the message.

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He Knows My Needs

In order to grow in the life of faith we need to know God better, to know who God is. As an illustration Terry brought a package of bread from Great Harvest.

This familiar passage from the Sermon on the Mount was our text: Matthew 7:7-14. What Jesus taught us was to ask each day for our daily bread. Ask, seek, knock...

If you, then, know how to give good gifts, how much more will God take care of you, give you good gifts. God is good. Do you believe this fundamental truth? God will take care of you.

The Lord's Prayer outlines the essentials of His care, that His kingdom would come and His will be done, that that our debts/sins would be forgiven and that we we be able to forgive others, that we be delivered from evil, that He would protect us from temptation,

Today we live in a moment of great promises. Sometimes they are short in coming and other times they are long in coming, but God is faithful and he will fulfill what He has promised.

Hold on to God's promises. God is good. Trust that He can do what He has promised.

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