With Thanksgiving behind us the sanctuary has been decorated for the upcoming holiday season. Chuck Vanderscheuren greeted us with the traditional greeting, "The Lord be with you." Pastor White was away for the weekend.
Tuesday 7:00 a.m. Men’s Prayer Group meets here at the church.
Sunday December 17, 4:00 p.m. is our Christmas program with dinner following.
We transitioned to worship with Darlene playing a medley beginning with “Open Our Eyes Lord” as a transition into worship. Beautiful as always, weaving “Be Thou My Vision” into the theme.
We were treated to a song by the trio Tina, Holly and Gail, “The God of the mountain is the God of the valley” while the offering was taken. And then we spent some time in prayer for the needs in our church family.
Chuck Vanderscheuren delivered the message today. The message was drawn from Colossians 3:8-17
Chuck began by noting that there was a lot of calamity in the New Testament times. Schisms, heresy, misunderstandings, false teachings, compromise, legalism, hypocrisy, martyrdom, immorality… In other words, a lot like our modern times.
There are two ways to "make oneself new." One is to focus on externals. Chuck cited a few of these: facelifts, botox, implants, makeup, new clothes. God isn’t impressed by Grecian Formula, or new clothes, he said. All these are temporary.
What matters is not external, but internal. And it’s not a modification, it’s a transformation.
The Christian cannot enjoy sinning because he or she has the Holy Spirit inside.
“Things are not going to change until Christians become desperate for God," Chuck said. "God will do His part, but we have our part to do as well."
One area we need to deal with is anger. Anger undealt with festers, smolders, and corrupts us.
A Biblical view of anger is not a denial of it, nor is all anger sin. Ephesians 4:26 affirms that anger is a normal emotion, because we are human, but we're instructed to not let it turn into sin.
Other items in Paul addresses in the Colossians passge include rage, malice, slander.
Matthew 12:34-37
Chuck noted that the external behaviors people see stem from what is going on in our hearts.
Instead of those behaviors that we must cats aside, Paul instructs us to "clothe yourself with a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."
Chuck elaborated on each of the character qualities we’re called to. "Bear with one another and forgive one another. And over all these things, put on love." When we let Jesus rule and reign in our hearts, we will experience the peace that passes understanding.
At the end of this section Paul writes, “And be thankful.”
Verse 16 ties the whole passage together. Feast on the word of God, and let the message of Christ live among you.
Being desperate for God means you fill yourself with the Word. Don’t be a fast food junky with your Bible. Learn how to feast on it.
After the sermon, Mark Hagemeyer came forward, joining Chuck & Darlene to close the service with the song, "Yes I Am."
Or so I thought. After this, the trio of ladies came forward again and led us in a closing number.
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